
Full-stack Developer

Personal Site

Very Meta!

I built this site with amazing tools like Gatsby, Emotion, and React Spring. Through this project, I learnt more about the gotchas with static sites, basic GraphQL, styled components, the current state of animation, and basic SVG manipulation. It was a lot of fun 😃

Parole Con Amici

Multiplayer Online Board Game

Owing to the events of the year 2020, this is a hacked together Scrabble-like game to pass the time with friends and family. It includes simple, back-to-basic rules which emulate over-the-board play, and is of course, sans ads! It was implemented with Typescript React and Node.js with Socket.IO.


Hackathon Project - 2nd Place Winners, Hackamon 2019

While it is agreed that one of the best modes of learning is through teaching, this is rarely tapped upon. The proposal was to build a video learning website where the content creators are students. Students upload videos of themselves teaching different topics within a unit, soliciting feedback from their peers. The code written here was written under time pressure for presentation purposes only.

Z-Algorithm Visualised

Algorithm Visualisation

Gusfield's Z-algorithm is used as a pre-processing step on the pattern as input to string pattern-matching algorithms like KMP and Boyer-Moore. I built this application with Vue.js as a first step towards understanding web technologies and the process from design to production.


Uni Assignment, Software Architecture & Design

Safehearts is an Android-FHIR app for medical practitioners to monitor patients' key health stats. It was my first foray into Android programming and was instructive in design thinking within the Object-Oriented paradigm. Functional and reactive programming were disallowed. The app uses Strategy & Adapter patterns and demonstrates SOLID principles.

© 2020-present  Asher Lim Zhi Rong